
Dimensions Of A Folded Flag

Why Is the American Flag and then Important?

Image By Marc Gutierrez/Moment/Getty Images

The American flag is important because the stars stand up for u.s. of the United States, and the xiii stripes represent the original thirteen colonies that came together to oppose the British. The American flag is a statement of freedom from British dominion, and it is a symbol of American values.

The American flag commencement held significance during the American Revolution when the flag was raised at the headquarters of General George Washington. The flag was besides used to mark forts and naval ships throughout American history. A standard bearer would comport the flag on behalf of soldiers when going into battle.

The Continental Congress canonical the showtime official flag in 1777, which was called the Stars and Stripes. The colors of the flag officially held no significance, but Charles Thomson of the Continental Congress suggested that white symbolized innocence, blue meant perseverance and red represented valor.

Children recite the Pledge of Fidelity to the American flag, and it is a source of significance for veterans. The national canticle is also connected to the U.S. flag. Soldiers, astronauts and law officers wear the American flag on their uniforms. Flags are folded in a triangular mode during flag-folding ceremonies at funerals. American flags are also draped over the coffins of soldiers, police officers and firefighters.

Dimensions Of A Folded Flag,


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